Miłosz Reviews

Miłosz Reviews

Miłosz reviews movies.

About me

Miłosz Lech Pepłowski. A friend, a son, a father. He died as he lived - he didn’t. And by that I mean he’s still alive but with how he’s leading his life he might as well not be. He really likes movies. One time, he recommended me a movie, and watching it was single-handedly the worst, most vile experience I’ve ever had. I’d love to read his thoughts about that one. And I might! As might you! Because he’s decided to start sharing his horrible opinions with the World Wide Web. Well, “decided” might not be the right word to use here. The only thing that man “decided” to do without external influence was spend the equivalent of a used car on Robux. No, he’s doing this because of MYP’s brainchild, the Personal Project. If it wasn’t for IB making all students do something for “personal growth”, Miłosz would still be busy considering pondering about thinking about maybe writing that chem essay that’s two weeks overdue. And God only knows why Miłosz decided to subject himself to all this work by going to this hell-hole of a programme. Seriously bro, what are you doing here? Anyway, enjoy the reviews he should be dropping weekly. They might actually be good.

Maybe even subscribe to his RSS feed? RSS is great, I swear.

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